Gratiae (Charity) Summa Perfectionis Species (Brooke) Venus (17 Barbies, 32 Babies) Septum Super Sex (Heads) Privigna (White and Silver Gown, Pink Gown, Head on Side) Amator (She's a Man Now) Piscis Puella (Little Mermaid) Tres (Blue Dress, Gold Dress, Leg) Gratiae (Hope) Untitled (Dream) Desiderium (Two Heads of Hair) Duo (Green Dress and Pink Corner) Tres (Double Hair) Civilis (Evening Elegance) Potestas Simplex (Plain Power) Gratiae (Faith) Infans (Brunette) Pronuba Venusta! Nupta Pulcher! (Lovely Bridesmaid! Beautiful Bride!)